Abuse of trust

Derecho familiar

My husband sold our property without my consent.Used aggression for me not to be home and threatened to hurt me in anyway due unknown to me his lover.

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GOOD NIGHT, to your comments I point out that you should report to the Public Ministry for ABUSE OF TRUST and FAMILY VIOLENCE. Likewise, you must DEMAND FOR INCAUSED DIVORCE, preventing the necessary measures, insofar as there are sons and daughters involved, among other things. Without other particular. I remain at your service. Best regards. Lawyer Juarez

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María Teresa Juárez Muñiz

07 julio 2020

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Hi Maria Gonzalez, I would suggest a preliminary conference call to understand all facts in order to be able to provide the appropriate legal alternative for this issue. Should you have any comments, do not hesitate to contact me by any of the following means: email: carlos@salgadochapa.com website: www.salgadochapabufetejuridico.com mobile/whatsapp: 81-8029-6613 I look forward to hearing from you

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Salgado Chapa Bufete Jurídico

16 febrero 2021

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Realiza tu pregunta a la comunidad de abogados expertos de Contacta Abogado®

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Hello, It is important to observe under which conjugal regime you are married, based on this information we will see in which different ways we can proceed. In the meantime, I recommend our advice to help you approach the public ministry that corresponds to you to make the complaint

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Moisés Wiener Buzali

02 julio 2021

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Realiza tu pregunta a la comunidad de abogados expertos de Contacta Abogado®

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Greetings.! If you are in Mexico, you can initiate a procedure for annulment of the sale, and in your case, if you are married in a conjugal partnership, you can report the domestic violence to the nearest Public Ministry (MP).

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David Mondragón Ortega

30 diciembre 2020

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Buen día, María. Si tu caso en es México, con gusto te podremos ayudar, aunado a que si estás casada por sociedad conyugal, no puede vender las propiedades sin que le otorgues el consentimiento. En Fernando Carrillo y Asociados, contamos con un amplio grupo de especialistas que le otorgarán un trato sumamente empático y profesional. Estamos a la orden. 5615020512

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Fernando Edmundo Tadeo Carrillo Hernández

03 junio 2021

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